Silkwebs Internet Services Limited
Worth Corner Business Centre
Turners Hill Road, Worth
Crawley, West Sussex RH10 7SL
Phone: 01293 887722
Website Development Startup Courses !
Tutor led courses - No previous experience necessary
3 Months post-course support
Silkwebs Training - Seminars
Your 3-step approach to becoming a skilled website developer !


We now have a number of Seminars available to develop your expertise in key areas of website development. Each seminar is a full 3 hour session, including time for questions, and represents exceptional value. In addition, we are offering a 20% promotional discount if you pre-register your interest. There is absolutely no commitment and we will simply offer you a place at the discounted price when one becomes available in your area. Pre-register for as many of the seminars as you wish.

The Seminars will initially be available throughout Sussex and Surrey, other areas to follow.

Now available:
Most Popular - £37.50 + VAT each
  • Introduction to HTML5
  • Getting to grips with CSS
  • Introduction to PHP
  • Introduction to MySQL (includes integration with PHP)
More Advanced - £50+VAT each
  • PHP Level 2 (Advanced use of Arrays, File Uploads, Working with Objects)
  • Getting to grips with Regular Expressions
  • Form Validation and Processing (using PHP and JavaScript)
  • Interfacing with PayPal Payment System

HTML knowledge is a pre-requisite for the CSS and PHP Seminars, PHP for the others. Knowlege of PHP Objects is desirable for the Interfacing Seminar.

Pre-Register for a 20% Discount on above prices

Name (*)
Email (*)
Telephone (pref mobile)
Area (Town or Postcode) (*)
I am interested in learning about (*):
Introduction to HTML
Getting to grips with CSS
Introduction to PHP
Introduction to MySQL
PHP Level 2
Regular Expressions
Form Validation and Processing
Payment Systems
I would also be interested in (please specify)
Anti-spam check - please enter 9855 (*)

Please complete all fields marked (*) and select at least one of the tick-boxes.

Submission of this form implies acceptance of our terms and conditions

We will not your use your details for any other purpose and never release information to third-parties.

Next Course Dates

February 14th - HTML (2-3 hours) - £75+VAT
Learn the basics of designing, publishing and maintaining your own website. Understand what can reasonably be achieved and how to get the most from content-management systems.

February 21st - PHP (full day) - £175+VAT
Introduce yourself to the art of programming using one of the most popular website languages around. Develop your own interactive pages and learn where the best resources are to build your skills.

February 28th - MySQL (full day) - £175+VAT
Understand what a database means, how to design, normalise and implement multi-table projects and how to control your database using PHP.

Call 01293 887722 to book
Book Online...
Last updated - December 20, 2024